The Rosenblatt Prize
for Excellence
Honoring excellence in education
The Rosenblatt Prize for Excellence is an endowed award, given annually to a member of the faculty of the University of Utah, "to honor excellence in teaching, research and administrative efforts, collectively or individually, on behalf of the University."
The endowment was created to honor Nathan and Tillie Rosenblatt, on the centenary of their immigration to Utah, and in recognition of their legacy of civic leadership and generosity. Originally established in 1983, the award was later increased by Joseph and Evelyn Rosenblatt and their family.
Terms of the endowment charter also contain the following from the Rosenblatt family: "Our ultimate hope is that after a period of years, not only would many recipients have benefited personally, but also that there would be a larger benefit accruing to the colleagues who associated with them, to the institution that housed, supported and directed them, and to the region and world they serve. We may then understand that nurturing the peaks of accomplishment is essential to the fulfillment of all our educational responsibilities."
Thus the Rosenblatt imprint in Utah is clear. It is a standard of excellence and the appreciation of that achievement. It is the stamp of beneficence and the affirmation that great efforts deserve reward and cultivation.

The Rosenblatt
Family History
Nathan & Tillie Rosenblatt
Nathan Rosenblatt immigrated to Salt Lake City as a young teenager in the early 1880’s, searching for a place of personal and religious freedom that offered rewards to the enterprising individual. A few years later, pursuing the same dream, Tillie Sheinbaum followed. They joined in the arranged marriage by their families in their native country, Russia.
Nathan began as a pushcart vendor of dry goods to Utah miners. In his career he built a thriving industrial machinery business. Tillie devoted herself to raising their family of three sons: Simon, Morris and Joseph. She ran a strict household and with Nathan taught a sense of values that would be their legacy.
Though circumstances deprived them of formal education, not uncommon in their time, both avidly pursued learning, religion and culture. They were leaders in their Jewish community and formed bonds that cemented a place for their family in their beloved Utah.